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Service Level Reductions.

Due to budget cuts, our counter and phone hours have changed. Please follow this link to view current location and contact information.

New Hearing Reminder Service.

Subscribe to receive electronic notifications about upcoming court dates on non-confidential case types. Please follow the link for additional details or to create an account.

Access Court Records Online.

The San Luis Obispo County Superior Court launched re:SearchCA, a web-based platform that grants registered users remote access to public court records and documents. Please follow the link to register or sign in with your eFileCalifornia account.

Pro Tem Reporter Procedures

When agreeing to work as an Official Reporter Pro Tempore for San Luis Obispo Superior Court, each Official Reporter Pro Tempore confirms and agrees:

  1. to maintain a valid, current California Certified Shorthand Reporter License and maintain current contact information with the Court as directed by the Supervising Court Reporter;
  2. that appearance fees, including real-time fees, are the responsibility of the party or parties who arranged the reporter services, and will not be charged to the Court;
  3. to comply with the statutes and rules applicable to Official Reporters Pro Tempore, including the duty to timely prepare transcripts in the proper appellate form;
  4. to leave reporting notes or an electronic copy with the Court as directed by the Supervising Court Reporter;
  5. to follow directions from the Court, and to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court to the same extent as an Official Reporter;
  6. to be available for reading of notes back to the jury if serving during a jury trial.

Daily Procedures Prior to Reporting

  • Check in with Courtroom Clerk and provide name, CSR License Number, contact information, including what agency, if any, you are working for so you may be noticed in the event of an appeal
  • Sign the Reporter Calendar located at the reporter desk in the courtroom well
  • Provide your raw notes electronically to the Court Reporter Supervisor.
  • Contact our Fiscal Department at (805) 706-3616 and provide all vendor information necessary to receive payment of transcripts
  • Electronic Deposit is available for payment of transcripts
  • Direct any questions to the Court Reporter Supervisor via email or phone: 805-706-3637
  • Free WiFi is available: SLO-PUBLIC

Court Reporter Requirements

  • Comply with the statutes and rules applicable to Official Reporter Pro Tempore
  • Transcribe and prepare in proper form all transcript requests, including appeals, in a timely manner
  • Be available for read back of notes
  • Supply an electronic copy of the notes to the Court for archival purposes
  • Maintain current contact information with the Court
  • All fees for reporting services will be the responsibility of the party(ies) and will not be charged to the Court


Transcripts produced by an official reporter pro tempore will be treated, for court purposes, identically with transcripts prepared by official reporters. Reporting notes of an official reporter pro tempore are official records of the Court., per Government Code Section 69955(a). The notes of official reporters pro tempore, when transcribed and certified, are prima facie evidence of the testimony and proceedings, per Code of Civil Procedure Section 273(a).

Appeal Procedures

  • Upon receipt of an appeal notice, immediately read entire notice to confirm the dates you’ve been noticed and whether the appeal will be in hard copy form or electronic form
  • Notify by "reply all" whether or not the dates noticed are correct, and whether the transcripts have been previously prepared or not
  • Utilize the Lead Reporter Sheet to confirm your volumes and blocked page numbers
  • Waiver of Deposit is an option, if requested, (CRC Rule8.130(b)(3)(A)) in lieu of the parties following CRC Rule 8.130(b)(1)(B)(i) & (ii)
  • Follow the California Rules of Court Rule 8.144 for Reporter’s appeal transcript guidelines
  • When preparing the Transcript Invoice for your appeal, be sure to follow California Government Code Section 69950
  • Include a copy of your Transcript Invoice with your completed appeal transcript to the appeals clerk
  • Provide your "Original" transcript invoice to the Supervising Court Reporter for payment. (Any invoices not following Section 69950 of the Government Code will be returned for correction)

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