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Service Level Reductions.

Due to budget cuts, our counter and phone hours have changed. Please follow this link to view current location and contact information.

New Hearing Reminder Service.

Subscribe to receive electronic notifications about upcoming court dates on non-confidential case types. Please follow the link for additional details or to create an account.

Access Court Records Online.

The San Luis Obispo County Superior Court launched re:SearchCA, a web-based platform that grants registered users remote access to public court records and documents. Please follow the link to register or sign in with your eFileCalifornia account.

Getting Copies of Court Files

In Person

Find your case number on filed documents that you have, or you can look up your case number in the public computer at the Court. Court staff are available to help at the counter in San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles, Monday through Thursday 8:30a - 12:00p.

Please review your case in the public computer at the Court for document types. Copies are $0.50 per page. You must pay for the copies before they are made.

By Mail

Send a letter or prepare the Copy Request Form, to the Superior Court, 1035 Palm Street, Room 385, San Luis Obispo CA 93408. In the letter, write your case number and the names of the parties, and write the names of the documents you want to have copied from the court file. There is a research fee of $15.00 if the search for the documents you have requested takes more than ten minutes(GC§70627(c).
Please refer to the Records Related Fees on the State Civil Fee Schedule for more information.
You must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope to have your copies returned to you by mail. If you do not know how many pages are in the documents that you are requesting or if a research fee will be charged, make your check payable to "Superior Court" and write on the Memo line "Not to exceed $ _____" (on the Memo line you can specify an amount: $20, $30 or whatever you think will cover the cost). The Court staff will mail you a receipt along with your copies so you know for how much the check was written.

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